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Booking hotel for 2 nights/ 5 pax

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Mar. 09,2019 10:40

Asked by Ms. Le Thanh Binh ( Vietnam )

Booking hotel for 2 nights/ 5 pax
My name is Le, I'm from Vietnam. Next May, I and my friends plan to travel to Xinjiang, I heard that the Ily valley is one of the most beautiful places in Xinjiang. We are very excited to come there and see it with our own eyes. However, we had a bit of trouble finding hotels. You know, there is not much information about hotels in Yining on global websites.
I found your hotel on a rare website from China and had an English interface (sorry I didn't speak Chinese). I want to ask, do you have any room for us for 2 nights? (from 1st - 3rd May). We have 5 people (4 female, 1 male) and all are Vietnamese. I will fly from Altay to Yining on 16:20 on May 1.
Please if you don't mind, let give me information about room with price.
Thank you very much.
Source: China Hotels
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