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Cheap flights from Guilin to Hong Kong



  Best Flights Deals from Hong Kong to Guilin and from Guilin to Hong Kong

  1. Why can ChinaTravelDepot.com offer the best price for flights between Hong    Kong and Guilin?

 A: ChinaTravelDepot.com offers charter flights all year around.              

  2.Why the deal suites you?

       A: ChinaTravelDepot.com offers daily charter flights all year around

  3. What’s the timetable for the flights?

       A:  From Guilin to Hong Kong: 1705-1820

     From Hong Kong to Guilin 1920 -2035 

  4. What are the prices for the flights between Hong Kong and Guilin?

      From Hong Kong to Guilin

2010.04.01-2011.03.15                   68USD /Pax

             From Guilin to Hong Kong:

                  2010.04.01    -      2010.05.31        169USD /Pax

                  2010.06.01    -      2010.09.15        161USD /Pax

                  2010.09.16    -      2010.10.31        169USD /Pax

2010.11.01    -      2010.11.15        161USD /Pax

2010.11.16    -      2011.03.15        137USD /Pax

The above rates doesn't include tax of 28.5USD/Pax/One Way

   5. How to get tickets?

         A: Send emails to Chinaflights@chinatraveldepot.com, our staff will settle the tickets for you   in 1 working day.


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