ChinaTravelDepot Low Price Guarantee
Booking with ChinaTravelDepot, you can get exactly what you want-at the possible low rate. That is why we created the ChinaTravelDepot Low Price Guarantee.
First of all, is the leading tour operator in China, and our business area focus in the China inbound travel industry. Comparing with the price in your departing country, we offer the local price which is cheaper.
Secondly, the price in our website is updated constantly to ensure you get the lowest price available online or at your destination. More than that, ChinaTravelDepot is showing you the 'honest price' on our website and the price you see is the price you pay. The Low Price Guarantee covers virtually every part of your trip: China vacation packages, cruises, rental cars and activities.
Requesting a Refund from ChinaTravelDepot is Easy!
Make a copy, print out or screen shot of the lower rate, and submit a refund request, send an email to with your name, ChinaTravelDepot Booking Number, plus proof (price list, web address or web screen shot, etc.) of the lower price.
Terms and conditions:
1. Low Price Guarantee. If you find a lower price for the same tour or activity on or another website (priced in the same currency) within 72 hours of booking, send us the details and we'll refund the price difference. No gimmicks, no exceptions. In addition, we will give you a fifty dollar ($50.00) coupon good on a future booking of
2. Must be "Apples to Apples" Comparison. The Low Price Guarantee is available only for exact itinerary matches, for example, offered on the same date and priced in the same currency as your original purchase through, relevant to the refund policy. The Low Price Guarantee is not available for bookings on websites where the tours, activities, rental car company, itinerary or similar booking details are unknown until after purchase. You must meet all requirements imposed on the lower price (if any), including, without limitation, residency, regional and age-related requirements.
3. Comparison Rates Must Be Available to the General Public Online.The 'Low Price Guarantee' only applies to prices both advertised and available to the general public on an English-language website. For example, this does not include rates offered on membership program websites, corporate discounts or rates; group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, consolidator or interline prices; prices obtained via auction or similar process; or prices available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. The lower rate may not come from a website where you call to get the rate, or from an e-mail that you received. The rate must be quoted, booked, and paid for in US dollars.
ChinaTravelDepot Value Guarantee
At, we are so confident about our online tour packages and products we can guarantee they are the best price. We can now provide you with our 'Best Value Guarantee'.
The reason we call it our Best 'Value' guarantee and not a Best 'Price' guarantee is because it has always been our ethos to provide you with a quality China tour experience at a price which is at great value.
A China tour should be more than just booking a combination of flights, hotels and transfers. It is about a carefully planned journey of discovery, an opportunity for encounters with friendly local people from distinct cultures, a wonderful time to relax, sit back and enjoy the whole experience. ChinaTravelDepot offer all these attributes online and make it simple for you to decide and book, or use our "Build My Trip" functions to build your own flexible itinerary. We ensure that from the time you arrive in China through to your departure, our team will be on hand to make sure that your needs and requirements are met.
If you find a better offer for the same itinerary (including the same accommodation, dates, flights, excursions and extras) that we have provided you with, we will not only match the price but also give you an additional US$50 to spend while you are in China.
Terms & Conditions:
1.The "Value Guarantee" applies to paid bookings on, . Your ChinaTravelDepot booking number must be provided when making a claim. The itinerary must use identical flights (if included in your tour) and be staying at the same accommodation on the same board basis. It does not include additional ancillary benefits, such as insurance, car hire, or parking etc.
2.The guarantee is subject to availability of the accommodation offered by the other tour operator/ travel agent.
3.Customers will need to provide the following information when availing the guarantee;
a. Name of the alternate tour operator/ travel agent.
b. Details of the competitor including contact numbers.
c. Specific Holiday details e.g Holiday reference number.
d. Any conditions the other tour operators quote is subject to.
4. Comparison rates must be available to the general public online. The Price Guarantee applies only to prices both advertised and available to the general public on an English language website. For example, this does not include rates offered as part of membership programs, corporate discounts or rates; group, charter, rewards program, incentive, meeting, convention, consolidator or interline prices; prices obtained via auction or similar process; or prices available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. The lower rate may not come from a website requiring a call to get the rate, or from an e-mail received. Finally, the rate must be quoted, booked, and paid for in US dollars.
5. Our "Value Guarantee" cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.
Submitting a claim:
Email us at:
Provide the quotation, tour itinerary and terms & conditions from our competitor.
Any questions regarding claims should be directed to our Customer Service team.