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China Overview

  • Population: 1.3 billion
  • Currency: yuan
  • Guinness World Records: most people painting each other's faces simultaneously in one location (13,413), largest bottle of cooking oil (containing 3212 litres), most couples hugging (3009 couples).
  • Internet users: 135 million
  • Milk beer: from Inner Mongolia, an alternative to the traditional mare's-milk wine.
  • Squirrel fish: whole mandarin fish deep-fried and manipulated to resemble a squirrel.
  • Number of chinese characters: over 56,000

Wu Xing

Wu xing

The Wu Xing or the Five Movements, Five Phases or Five Steps/Stages, are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device in many traditional Chinese fields. The concept of Wu Xing is central to all elements of Chinese thought, including science, philosophy, medicine, astrology, and Fengshui. The doctrine of five phases describes a generating or creation cycle and a destruction cycle of interactions between the phases. It is a classical part of Chinese culture and nowadays it has shown its influence worldwide.

What is the five element of the Wu Xing and their properties ?

Five elements can be associated with every natural and man-made action. These five elements are ; Wood, Metal, Fire, Water, and Earth.
Each one of these elements has its own unique attributes.

Wood is considered a masculine (Yang) element, and is associated with the East, the spring season, the liver and gallbladder, and the colors blue and green. In Chinese astrology, a person born under a Wood sign is thought to be strong and self-reliant. Tiger, Rabbit, and the mighty Dragon belong to Wood signs .

Metal is a female (Yin) element, which controls the Monkey, Rooster, and the Dog zodiac signs, the West, autumn and the nose, lungs, and large intestines .The color of Death—white is her color. Anyone born under the Metal signs is inclined to be persistent.

Earth is a central element in which the other elements are grounded . Earth contains both Yin and Yang elements so it is balanced and neutral. Its color is yellow, and it’s connected to hard work and diligence, and it controls the spleen and stomach and the changing seasons. In Chinese astrology, earth signs govern the Dragon, Rat, and the Ox.

Water is a Yin element and she is thought to be nurturing and maternal. She controls the winter season, the lungs and skeletal system. The color of Healing —black is her color and her direction is north. Quite similar to metal her zodiac signs are Pig, Rat, and Ox.

Fire is a Yang-type energy and his domain is the South. The summer season is often associated with the Fire element; he’s in control of the heart and the tongue as well as the blood. The Snake, Horse and Sheep is under his control. People born under these signs are thought to be warm and creative.

What is the two cycles of Wu Xing and how does it work?

The five phases of Wu Xing describe two cycles, a generating or creation cycle or "mother-son", and an overcoming cycle, also known as "grandfather-nephew".

The Generating Cycle :

Wood feeds Fire; Fire creates Earth; Earth begets Metal; Metal carries Water ; Water nourishes Wood

Wood absorbs Water; Water rusts Metal; Metal breaks up Earth;

the-interactions of WuXing

Earth smothers Fire; Fire burns Wood.

The Destruction Cycle :

Wood parts Earth; Earth muddies Water; Water extinguishes Fire; Fire melts Metal; Metal chops Wood.

Feng shui compasses

Why the Wu Xing is very important in Chinese ancient and modern society?
The five elements are incorporated into many aspects of Chinese life, from the way a room is arranged (Feng Shui), to traditional Chinese medicine and cooking. Chinese astrology in particular relies heavily upon the elements. Each astrological or zodiac sign is ruled by one or two of the five elements and yin or yang energies. According to Chinese astrology, the signs and energies we are born under impact our destiny.

In the ancient Chinese form of geomancy known as Feng Shui practitioners all based their art and system on the five phases (Wu Xing). Based on a particular directional energy flow from one phase to the next, the interaction can be expansive, destructive, or exhaustive. With proper knowledge of such aspect of energy flow will enable the Feng Shui practitioner to apply certain cures or rearrangement of energy in a way they believe to be beneficial for the receiver of the Feng Shui "Treatment."

The interdependence of Zang Fu networks in the body was noted to be a circle of five things, and so mapped by the Chinese doctors onto the five phases, and these five elements are a model in Chinese medical application.
Like the two cycles, the organs interact with each other, for example,? the liver (Wood phase) is said to be the "mother" of the heart (Fire phase), and the Kidneys (Water phase) the mother of the Liver. The key observation are things like kidney deficiency

The interdependence of Zang Fu networks

affecting the function of the liver. In this case, the "mother" is weak, and cannot support the child. Thus the Wu Xing affiliates Chinese medicine.

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