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China Overview

  • Population: 1.3 billion
  • Currency: yuan
  • Guinness World Records: most people painting each other's faces simultaneously in one location (13,413), largest bottle of cooking oil (containing 3212 litres), most couples hugging (3009 couples).
  • Internet users: 135 million
  • Milk beer: from Inner Mongolia, an alternative to the traditional mare's-milk wine.
  • Squirrel fish: whole mandarin fish deep-fried and manipulated to resemble a squirrel.
  • Number of chinese characters: over 56,000

Chinese Dragon

The Ancient China Dragon holds a very important position within Chinese mythology. It’s presence is felt in arts, literature, poetry, architecture, songs, and many aspects of the Chinese conscience. It’s believed to be a sacred and beneficent animal, as dragons represent celestial and terrestrial power, wisdom, and strength in Chinese culture.

What is the power of the Chinese dragon in people’s imagination?

In Chinese folklore, the dragon is an all-pervading force, riding on clouds to span great distances, aspiring to the sun and the moon, striding in heaven's vault, hibernating in the caverns of inaccessible mountains, and coiling in unfathomable depths of the ocean.

It is considered an auspicious creature because it brings forth blessings, festivity and happiness, benefiting everything on earth. The importance of the dragon to the Chinese people is indisputable.


What does the Chinese dragon look like?

The Chinese dragon is made up of nine entities. The head of the camel, the eyes of a demon, the ears of a cow, the horns of a stag, the neck of a snake, the belly of a clam, the claws of an eagle, and the soles of his feet are that of a tiger. Lastly, the 117 scales that cover it's body are that of a carp.

The Chinese dragon has four claws as standard, but the Imperial dragon has five. The additional claw is seen to represent the Imperial dragons higher status in comparison to the lower classes . Anyone other than the emperor using the 5 claw motif was put to death.

What is the symbolic meaning of the Chinese dragon?

The Chinese dragons (Lung) are believed to be a divine ruler of weather and water (such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas), necessary for the good of the people. It is said that some of the worst floodings were caused when a mortal had upset a dragon. In this capacity as the rulers of water and weather, the dragon is more anthropomorphic in form, often depicted as a

emperor's audience hall

humanoid, dressed in a king's costume, but with a dragon head wearing a king's headdress.

There are four major Dragon Kings, representing each of the four seas: the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the West Sea (sometimes seen as the Indian Ocean and beyond), and the North Sea (sometimes seen as Lake Baikal).They are seen as "in charge" of water-related weather phenomenon. In history, many temples had been built in Chinese villages to worship their local "dragon king". In times of drought or flooding, local gentry and government officials often led the community to offer sacrifices and conduct other religious rites to appease the dragon.
The dragon was also a symbol of imperial authority. Many legends draw connections between the dragon and the emperor whose wisdom and divine power assured the well-being of his subjects. Some emperors claimed to have descended from the dragon.

The dragon, especially yellow or golden dragons with five claws on each foot, was a symbol for the emperor in many Chinese dynasties. The imperial throne was called the Dragon Throne. The dragon was even adopted as the national flag in the late Qing Dynasty. The dragon is featured in the carvings on the steps of imperial palaces and tombs, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Yan Di

Why do most Chinese people think of themselves as “descendants of the dragon”?
According to Chinese legend, the earliest Emperors Yan Di and Huang Di were closely related to 'Long' (Chinese Dragon). At the end of his reign, the first legendary Emperor, Huang Di, was said to have been immortalized into a dragon that resembled his emblem, and ascended to Heaven. The other legendary Emperor, Huang Di's brother, Yan Di was born by his mother's telepathy with a mythic dragon. Since the Chinese consider Huang Di and

Yan Di as their ancestors, they sometimes refer to themselves as "the descendants of the dragon".

Who are the sons of the Chinese dragon?

According to old legends, the Dragon had nine sons, each with a strong personality. There is no general agreement as to what the Dragon's sons are called. However, to most people, they are:
1 Qiuniu loves music and his figure is a common decoration on the bridge of stringed musical instruments.
2.Yazi is valiant and bellicose; his image is seen on sword-hilts and knife hilts.??
3.Haoxian is a reckless and adventurous dragon whose image can be found decorating the eaves of palaces.
4.Baxia is a good swimmer and his image decorates many bridge piers and archways.
?5.Pulao is fond of roaring and his figure is carved on bells.
6.Bixi is an excellent pack-animal whose image appears on panniers.
7.Suanmi is fond of smoke and fire; his likeness can be seen on the legs of incense-burners.

8.Jiaotu is as tight-lipped as a mussel or a snail. His image is carved on doors.

9.Chiwen likes to gaze into the distance and his appearance is often carved on pinnacles.

Is there any heritage related to the belief in the Chinese dragon?

Nine-Dragon Wall in BaiHai Park is a tangible heritage showing the big influence of the Chinese dragon. Built in 1756, it is a very popular tourist site in Beijing. After hundreds of years, the colors of the ceramic tiles are just as brilliant as they were when they were first built. It is 21m long, about 15m high and 2m thick. It is faced with 424 7-colour ceramic tiles. At the centre of

nine dragons wall

the wall, there is a giant dragon, surrounded by four dragons on each side. The wall is covered from edge to edge with many smaller dragons, which amount to 635 dragons.

The Chinese dragon boat races will always be a symbol of Chinese culture and spirit. As one of the three largest Chinese festivals of the year, this mythical celebration can now be witnessed around the world. Typically, these are boats rowed by a team of up to 12 rowers, and with a carved dragon as the head of the boat, it is also an important part of celebrations outside of China, such as at Chinese New Year.


What are the legends surrounding the appearance of the Chinese dragon?
The appearance of the Chinese dragon in the cosmology dates back to a legend of the formation of the Universe. The legend describes Pangu, the Creator of the Universe, who had the head of a dragon and the body of a serpent. There were four supernatural creatures accompanying him during his labours: the dragon, phoenix, unicorn and tortoise. Millions of years later two supernatural beings appeared: Nuwa, the first female "human being" on earth, who had a human head and a serpent's body and Fuxi, the first male

"human being," who had a human head and a scaly dragon's body. They gave birth to human beings on earth.

The descendants of Nuwa and Fuxi were scattered throughout the mainland of China as numerous tribes or clans. They constantly fought among themselves and each clan used a serpent, tiger, bear, eagle, leopard or other fierce animals or birds as their totem on their standard in the battles.

After Emperor Huang, the ancestor of the Hua Xia clan, conquered all the other clans in the lower Huang He basin and established an empire, every time he conquered another tribe, he incorporated his defeated enemy's emblem into his own, thus explains why the dragon appears to have features of various animals. Therefore, the dragon symbolizes the initial unification of different ethnic groups and the formation of the Chinese nation. This is still the time of legends, and history was not written down until the discovery of the oracle bone script in the Shang dynasty (16-11 century BC).

What is the characteristic of the Chinese dragon (Long) in Chinese Zodiac?

The Dragon is the mightiest of the signs occupying the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition.
?Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They are ready to help others. Dragons have tempers that can flare fast!


Considering their hard-working nature, Dragons are healthy overall. They prefer leading to being led and will give into love, but won’t give up their independence.
The Dragon sign together with the 5 elements compose five different characteristics of people.
Earth Dragons – born in years 1928 and 1988 are level-headed and able to control their behaviors, so they can make better decisions. They’re more supportive of others, but they prefer being admired by others.

Metal Dragons – born in the years 1940 and 2000 are more determined and they’ll fight for what they believe in. They’re true leaders and usually find plenty of others willing to follow.
Water Dragons –born in the years 1952 and 2012 are able to see things from other people’s point of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow others to become involved.
Wood Dragons –born in the years 1904 and 1964 are willing to entertain the opinions of others. They enjoy being creative and innovative and get along with others, but will always be the dominating force.

Fire Dragons – born in 1916 and 1976 tend to react quickly and recklessly, they sometimes however make wrong decisions. Fire Dragons need to slow down and keep their tempers in check as that’s when they’re best.

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