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Tianjin Transportation



     Tianjin Transportation

 By air

Tianjin Binhai International Airport(ZBTJ) is located in Zhangguizhuang, Dongli District away from the center about 13 kilometers. This is one of the largest modern airports across China with above 30 domestic and international lines available. To book a flight in advance, it is advised to go for the Tianjin branch of Air China for free deliver tickets. There is also airport bus waiting for sending passengers with the charges of 10 yuan.

By railway

Tianjing consists of four passenger railways: Tianjin Railway Station, Tianjin North Railway Station, West Railway Station and South Railway Station in which Tianjin Railway Station functions as the principle one. As an intersection of Beijing-Shandong Line, Tianjin-Li Line and Tianjin-Shanghai Line, it handles with five directions towards to Beijing, Shanghaiguan, Jinan, Jixian, Bazhou and so on. There are over 40 trains leaving from Tianjin to other towns, such as Shijiazuhang, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Manzhouli, Shanghai, Hongkong Jiulong etc. . An express train between Tanggu and Beijing has easy access to carry passengers away.

By ferry & cruise ship
Tianjin Port is situated in the western shore of Bohai Sea which is the biggest artificial harbor as the gateway to Beijing by sea. The well appointed harbor is built into a two-floor main building with nine waiting-rooms. To the western side of the building there are ticket lobby and restaurant while to the eastern side there are luggage room and cloak-room.
Three intern passenger cruises are: Tianjin-Longkou, Tianjin-Dalian and Tianjin-Yantai. Two international cruises lines are: Tianjin-Kobe, Japan and Tianjin-Inchon, South Korea. 
By subway
The subway starts at the intersection of Nanjing Road and Xinhua Road and runs towards the west along with Nanjing Road then turns north at Haiguang Temple. A total of eight stops include: Yingdaokou, Anshan Road, Haiguang Temple, Nankaisanma Road, Xima Road, Dafeng Road and the end stop of Tianjin West. The whole way costs 12 minutes and fixed 1 yuan per person, and Metro vehicle keeps coming every 15 minutes operating from 5:30 to 22:30.  
By bus
Most of buses in Tianjin are conductor-free charging 1-2 yuan within the downtown and 4-5 yuan to development zone (either train or bus).